On Wednesday, April 26th, the Springdale Fire Department will host a pinning ceremony to proudly recognize 5 newly promoted members, as well as 12 probationary firefighters. The pinning ceremony is a tradition to recognize the achievements of these personnel and allow their families and friends to celebrate their successes. The event will be held at 6pm at the Mickey Jackson Training Center, 2398 Turnbow Avenue. The public is invited.
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
Pinning Ceremony invite
Just 30 minutes after being placed in-service, our new Engine 4 responded to it’s first call to extinguish a vehicle fire on I-49. This 2023 Pierce Enforcer replaces a 2009 Sutphen Monarch, which has proudly provided service to the NW portion of Springdale for almost 14 years! “Old Engine 4” will be reassigned as Engine 23, where it will continue to serve as part of our reserve fleet.
almost 2 years ago, Michael Bronner
Firefighters Pushing In Engine 4
Engine 4
FF extinguishes Car Fire
Engine 4 on scene
This is National Public Safety Telecommunications Week. The Springdale Fire Department wants to give extra recognition to our Springdale Communications Center dispatchers during this time. They are a critical link in answering 911 calls, sending help, and ensuring the safety of callers and all of our responders. Thank you for all you do!
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
National Public Safety Telecommunications Week Picture
This evening units responded to a Unknown Outside Fire in the 700 block of E. Randall Wobbe Ln. Engine 2 arrived on scene to find a spreading pallet fire. Engine 1 pulled a second line and Battalion 1 took command. Situation was placed under control shortly after arrival and all units were returned to service
almost 2 years ago, Michael Bronner
pallet fire
On April 8th, at 10:07pm, units were dispatched to a reported commercial structure fire at 2757 East Robinson Avenue. The first unit arrived on scene two minutes later, reporting two buildings heavily involved with fire coming through the roof of both structures. Because of the the extensive involvement, additional units were requested to assist, including units from Fayetteville Fire Department. The situation was declared under control at 11:27pm. Fire investigators, working in conjunction with Springdale Police, are investigating the cause.
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
Drone Footage of Fire Incident
Both Ladder trucks flowing water on the fire
Structure fully involved with aerial truck flowing water
Side view of fully involved commercial fire
fire venting thru the roof of commercial structure fire
crews putting water on the fire with attack lines on commercial fire
WE'RE HIRING! The Springdale Fire Department is currently accepting applications for Firefighter/EMT & Firefighter/Paramedic. APPLY ONLINE: https://www.springdalear.gov/o/sfd/page/recruitment-and-hiring-process
almost 2 years ago, Michael Bronner
SFD Hiring Flyer
This morning, at 12:08AM, crews were dispatched to a commercial structure fire located on Sterwin Street. On arrival, units encountered heavy smoke coming from the structure. Crews gained entry and were able to extinguish the fire, containing the majority of damage to a shop area of the structure. The cause of the fire is currently under investigation.
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
Crews working at a commercial structure fire
Engine 4 at a commercial structure fire
With the potential that Northwest Arkansas is seeing for severe weather this evening, now is a good time to review some safety tips and to know what your plan of action will be for you and your family. Follow this link to best practice severe weather and tornado safety actions: https://www.weather.gov/mob/Severe_Tornado If you have not yet taken the time to register for our free City of Springdale weather alerting and civil notifications, Springdale Alert, you can click this link. https://www.springdalear.gov/page/springdale-alert You can always contact Springdale Fire Department with any questions!
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
tornado safety tips
The spring regional fire academy, south campus, began recently. Our recruits are continuing their journey to become firefighters. Each day begins with physical training, which transitions to the classroom, and onto drill ground instruction.
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
Recruits doing PT
Recruits doing push ups
This past week, several of our members attended a Swift Water Technician class, hosted by the Siloam Springs Fire Department. Students were instructed in a variety of skills to manage such emergencies. #teamspringdale #springdalefire
almost 2 years ago, Rance Richardson
swift water
swift water
swift water
swift water
swift water
Spring weather makes us all want to be outside! Crews from Stations 2,6, and 8 met to practice rescue scenarios.
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
Crews working off a bridge
Crews sending down a member to preform a rescue
Firefighter getting ready to go down off bridge
Firefighter being lowered down during the rescue.
Crews working together to bring crew member up on a rope
Crew member feeding rope thru the system
Battalion 2, Engine 3, and Hazmat 3 responded to a mutual aid request with Tontitown FD for a hazmat incident. Situation is under control and all units have returned to service. #teamspringdale #springdalefire
almost 2 years ago, Rance Richardson
tontitown hazmat
Battalion 2, Ladder 6, Engine 7 responded to assist Tontitown Fire Department with a large fire at 691 E. Apple Blossom Ln. Multiple departments from Benton and Washington County were on scene for several hours.
almost 2 years ago, Rance Richardson
Tontitown Mutual Aid
Although the day was chilly, west side crews met to practice high volume water flow, along with other skills. Review, practice, and knowledge to accomplish these tasks are all required skills for members seeking completion of their Aerial Operator task book.
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
crews discussing the tasks to preform
flowing water thru multiple hoses
flowing water thru hoses and the aerial
snap shot of ladder 6
The Springdale Fire Department recently held our annual awards banquet. This is to recognize SFD personnel, both individually and at the Company level, for work performance worthy of special or unique recognition. Personnel are nominated and selected by their peers for certain awards. This year’s winners: Fire Dispatcher of The Year - Kellie Vancleave of the Springdale Communications Center, Firefighter of The Year - Mike Graham of C - Platoon Station 7, EMS Provider of the Year - Paramedic Andy West of A -Platoon Station 6, Company Officer of The Year - Captain Rance Richardson of B - Platoon Engine 1, Fire Company of The Year - C - Platoon Station 6 (members: Captain Bryce Skelton, Driver Operator Jonathan Kidd, Paramedic Tyler Grant, Firefighters Jacob Heithoff, Preston Murphy, and Dakota Simon). Congratulations to all of our deserving individuals!
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
Dispatcher of the Year
EMS Provider of the Year
Company of the Year
Company Officer of the Year
Firefighter of the Year
Today is #internationalwomensday. Join us as we celebrate our female employees at Springdale Fire Department! #internationalwomensday #IWD23 #EmbraceEquity https://www.internationalwomensday.com/
almost 2 years ago, Rance Richardson
Today, crews took advantage of the beautiful weather to accomplish several training scenarios for structural collapse. Fire Station 2 is designated as the department's technical rescue station.
almost 2 years ago, Justin Pinkley
Pic 1
Pic 2
Pic 3
Pic 4
Battalion 1 and Engine 3 assisted Hickory Creek Fire Department with a working fire this morning. At 9:23am HCFD along with Hwy 94 East Fire Department, Lowell Fire Department - Arkansas, Springdale Fire Department, Piney Point Fire Dept, Nob Hill FD, and Mercy Medic 7161 responded to the 3200 block of Luper Rd for a barn fire. Crews arrived on scene with a barn 75% involved with walls collapsing. Crews went defensive on the fire, and spent several hours overhauling. Thank you to all our mutual aid partners! 40/29 News -- Fort Smith & Fayetteville, ArkansasKNWA/Fox 24 News5NEWS #neighborshelpingneighbors #nwamutualaid
about 2 years ago, City of Springdale
firetrucks on road
Road conditions continue to worsen, with numerous accidents being reported in the area and along I-49. Please avoid travel if at all possible today. If you must travel, please allow extra time and use extreme caution.
about 2 years ago, City of Springdale
cars on road with ARDOT logo, ice covers roads
This morning, prior to our winter weather arrival, members of A-shift conducted a planned confined space drill at Kawneer Company. Units involved included: USAR2, Engines 1,2,3, Ladder 8, Medic 2, Hazmat 3, and Battalions 1 and 2.
about 2 years ago, City of Springdale
city of springdale firefighters