Contact Us
City Clerk
201 Spring Street
Springdale, AR 72764
Phone: 479-750-8118
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
We will be closed on all city holidays.

Sabra Jeffus
City Clerk / Treasurer
Email Sabra Jeffus

Cody Loerts
Finance Director
Email Cody Loerts
City Clerk

Welcome to the City Clerk/Treasurer’s website. The City Clerk/Treasurer is the official custodian of records for the City of Springdale. City Council meeting minutes, Ordinances and Resolutions adopted by City Council are a few of the permanent records kept in the City Clerk’s Office.
This office serves as an information center for the general public, the media, and other government entities.
Department Functions
The office is called upon daily for some service or information from the public as well as City Departments. I also serve as the City Treasurer and am responsible for overseeing all financial records of the City. The City Clerk/Treasurer’s office provides financial support to the entire city.
The City Clerk also serves as ex-officio secretary and a voting member of the Firemen’s Pension & Relief Fund Board of Trustees and Treasurer and a voting member of the Policemen’s Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees. I attend the meetings and prepare the agendas, minutes and appropriate correspondence for the Board Members.
Licenses and permits issued by the City Clerk’s Office include business licenses, beer and liquor permits, and solicitor/peddler permits. Click here to view all licenses and permits issues through the City Clerk's Office.