Contact Us

District Court
201 N Spring Street
City Administration Building
Springdale, AR 72764


Phone: 479-750-8150
Fax: 479-750-8564

8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Jeff Harper photo

Jeff Harper

District Court

High Quality Experience

The Washington County District Court, Springdale Department strives to provide a prompt, courteous, accessible atmosphere that is dedicated to ensuring equal justice while promoting confidence within the judicial branch.

This philosophy is shared and demonstrated within the criminal, traffic, civil and small claims divisions of this agency as well as other services that the court performs within the court's jurisdiction. The court seeks to provide the highest quality of competence and customer service at all levels of our agency.


District Court of Washington County, Springdale Department maintains this portion of the City of Springdale's website in order to increase public access to District Court information. This information is not intended to be a source of legal advice. This website is not sponsored or associated with any other linked entity. The existence of any link is simply intended to make other resources available to the reader. This Court does not guarantee the accuracy or sources of any information found on any linked websites. While the District Court website is constantly updated and revised in an effort to provide timely and accurate information, we make no guarantees. We will make every attempt to correct errors as they are brought to our attention.

This Web site contains information originating from other organizations and departments, both public and private. While every attempt is made to ensure that all information is accurately referenced on our site, we do not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or quality of the content of every source. 

If you are unsure how you should proceed with your case or whether or not you should proceed with a case, please contact an attorney. Please do not contact the clerk for legal advice. A court clerk is not permitted to give legal advice about any case, quote or interpret laws, quote or interpret court rules, recommend attorneys, recommend methods of service, recommend process servers, or anything of that nature. The clerk may not answer questions that go beyond very limited procedural direction. The clerk's primary job is as keeper of the records only and he or she must remain unbiased in that position.