It is the policy of the Planning Commission to review plats of proposed subdivision developments and site plans for proposed new construction for conformity to the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Master Street Plan and Master Trail Plan, zoning regulations, subdivision regulation and design standards. These reviews are done in context of existing land use and development, population and traffic distribution, and the needs and best interest of the City of Springdale.
Commission Meetings
5:00 p.m.
First Tuesday of every month
City Council Chambers
201 Spring Street
Springdale, AR 72764
Agendas & Minutes
Agendas are available prior to the meetings. Minutes are available following approval.
View Most Recent Agendas and Minutes
Meeting and Submission Schedule
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Municipal Code Reference
Arkansas Code Reference
A.C.A ยง14-56-401
Planning Commission

The mission of the Springdale Planning Commission is:
To promote the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare of the citizens of Springdale.
To promote orderly growth and development through the dissemination of information, preparation of plans and program, and implementation of the policies and directives of the Springdale City Council.
To secure safety from fire, flood, and other dangers, prevent overcrowding, undue congestion and to provide healthful and convenient distribution of population.
To enhance the character and economic stability and encourage orderly and beneficial development for the citizens of Springdale.